Source code for csl.solver_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base constrained learning solver

Base primal-dual solver.


import numpy as np
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import logging

[docs]class SolverSettings(): """Primal-dual solver settings Attributes ---------- settings : `dict`, optional Dictionary containing the solver settings. The base solver valid keys and default values are listed below. Specific solvers may have additional settings. - ``iterations``: Maximum number of iterations. The default is 100. - ``primal_solver``: Constructor for the PyTorch solver used to solve the primal problem (takes parameter, returns torch.optim). The default is ADAM. - ``lr_p_scheduler``: Primal step size scheduler. The default is `None` (no decay). - ``dual_solver``: Constructor for the PyTorch solver used to solve the dual problem (takes parameter, returns torch.optim). The default is ADAM. - ``lr_d_scheduler``: Dual step size scheduler. The default is `None` (no decay). - ``logger``: A `logging` object. The default outputs directly to the console. - ``verbose``: Period of log printing. Every iteration is printed when logger is at DEBUG level. Default is ``iterations/10``. Set to 0 to deactivate. - ``device``: Device used for computations. The default is GPU, if available, and CPU otherwise. - ``COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP``: Compute actual primal and dual values instead of using approximations. Note: this effectively requires an extra pass over the whole dataset per iteration. The default is `False`. - ``STOP_DIVERGENCE``: Maximum value allowed before declaring that the algorithm has diverged. The default is 1e4. - ``STOP_PVAL``: Primal value threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_PGRAD``: Primal gradient squared norm threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_ABS_DGAP``: Absolute duality gap threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_DGRAD``: Dual gradient squared norm threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_REL_DGAP``: Relative duality gap threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_ABS_FEAS``: Absolute feasibility threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_REL_FEAS``: Relative feasibility threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_NFEAS``: Proportion of feasible constraints threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_PATIENCE``: Iterations with no update threshold. The default is `None`. - ``STOP_USER_DEFINED``: User-defined function. Takes problem and the solver state_dict and returns `True` to stop or `False` to continue. The default is `None`. Raises ------ `ValueError` When trying to get or set a non-existant setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, specific_settings={}): """Primal-dual solver settings constructor Parameters ---------- specific_settings : `dict`, optional Solver-specific global settings with default values. The default is ``{}``. """ # Default global settings self.global_settings = { 'iterations': 100, 'verbose': None, 'primal_solver': torch.optim.Adam, 'lr_p_scheduler': None, 'dual_solver': torch.optim.Adam, 'lr_d_scheduler': None, 'device': torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'), 'logger': None, 'STOP_DIVERGENCE': 1e4, 'COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP': False, 'STOP_PVAL': None, 'STOP_PGRAD': None, 'STOP_ABS_DGAP': None, 'STOP_DGRAD': None, 'STOP_REL_DGAP': None, 'STOP_ABS_FEAS': None, 'STOP_REL_FEAS': None, 'STOP_NFEAS': None, 'STOP_PATIENCE': None, 'STOP_USER_DEFINED': None } # Update default global settings for key, value in specific_settings.items(): self.global_settings[key] = value # Local settings self.local_settings = {}
[docs] def initialize(self, settings={}): """Initialize settings Define global settings and initialize variable settings if not defined (namely, ``verbose`` and ``logger``). Parameters ---------- settings : `dict`, optional User settings to override the default global settings. The default is ``{}``. """ # Override global defaults with user inputs for key, value in settings.items(): if self._setting_exists(key): self.global_settings[key] = value # Default logging settings if self.global_settings['verbose'] is None: self.global_settings['verbose'] = self.global_settings['iterations']/10 if self.global_settings['logger'] is None: self.global_settings['logger'] = logging.getLogger('csl') # Add stream handler (console), if not defined already if not self.global_settings['logger'].hasHandlers(): self.global_settings['logger'].addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) # Set level to info self.global_settings['logger'].setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] def override(self, local_settings): """Mask global setting values Override the global settings without modifying them. Parameters ---------- local_settings : `dict` Setting values to override. """ for key in local_settings.keys(): self._setting_exists(key) self.local_settings = local_settings
[docs] def display(self): """Display effective setting values """ max_length = np.max([len(key) for key in self.global_settings]) for key in self.global_settings: if key in self.local_settings: print(key + ':' + ' '*(max_length - len(key) + 1) + f'{self.local_settings[key]}' + f' (global: {self.global_settings[key]})') elif key in self.global_settings: print(key + ':' + ' '*(max_length - len(key) + 1) + f'{self.global_settings[key]}')
def __getitem__(self, key): if self._setting_exists(key): return self.local_settings.get(key) or self.global_settings.get(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.global_settings[key] = value def _setting_exists(self, key): if key in self.global_settings: return True else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown setting "{key}"')
[docs]class PrimalDualBase(): """Primal-dual base solver Attributes ---------- primal_solver : `torch.optim` Primal problem solver primal_step_size : `torch.optim.lr_scheduler` Primal problem step size scheduler dual_solver : `torch.optim` Dual problem solver dual_step_size : `torch.optim.lr_scheduler` Dual problem step size scheduler state_dict : `dict` Internal solver state settings : `SolverSettings` Solver settings Notes ----- **Stopping criteria** By default, the solver stops only once it reaches the maximum number of iterations or if divergence is detected (using the threshold ``STOP_DIVERGENCE``). When defined, other stopping modes are: - Primal absolute optimality: based on ``STOP_PVAL`` or ``STOP_PGRAD`` (either or both depending on whether exist). Applies only to unconstrained problems. - Primal absolute optimality and absolute feasibility: as above but also check ``STOP_ABS_FEAS`` (on average constraints) and ``STOP_NFEAS`` (for pointwise constraints), depending on whether they exist. - Primal-dual absolute optimality and absolute feasibility: checks optimality using ``STOP_ABS_DGAP`` or both ``STOP_PGRAD`` and ``STOP_DGRAD``. Feasibility is checked using ``STOP_ABS_FEAS`` (on average constraints) and ``STOP_NFEAS`` (for pointwise constraints), depending on whether they exist. - Primal-dual relative optimality and relative feasibility: checks optimality using ``STOP_REL_DGAP`` and feasibility using ``STOP_REL_FEAS`` (for average constraints) and ``STOP_NFEAS`` (for pointwise constraints). - Stalled: based on whether neither primal value nor any constraint violation has improved over the span of ``STOP_PATIENCE`` iterations. - User-defined criterion: stops if ``STOP_USER_DEFINED`` returns ``True``. **Implementing a new solver** Subclasses must: - Call ``PrimalDualBase.__init__`` with a `SolverSettings` object that includes its solver-specific settings (if any). - Define ``primal_dual_update`` **Solver states** Specific solvers (and users) are free to modify and add to ``state_dict``. This can be useful to save internal states of the user-defined stopping criterion ``STOP_USER_DEFINED``, which can also be used as a validation hook. You should use a unique capitalized prefix in order to avoid interfering with the normal operation of the primal-dual solver (unless you know what you are doing). ``PrimalDualBase`` has the following internal states: - ``iteration`` (`int`): Iteration number - ``no_update_iterations`` (`int`): Number of iterations without updates left until solver gives up and stops early. Undefined if ``STOP_PATIENCE`` is `None`. Initial value: ``STOP_PATIENCE``. - ``primal_solver`` (`dict`): ``state_dict`` of the primal problem solver - ``dual_solver`` (`dict`): ``state_dict`` of the dual problem solver - ``primal_value`` (`float`): Current primal value, i.e., objective function value - ``primal_grad_norm`` (`float`): Squared norm of the primal gradient. - ``lagrangian_value`` (`float`): Current value of the Lagrangian. If the problem is convex, converges to the value of the dual function. - ``dual_grad_norm`` (`float`): Squared norm of the dual gradient (constraint slacks). - ``duality_gap`` (`float`): Duality gap, i.e., P - D - ``rel_duality_gap`` (`float`): Relative duality gap, i.e., (P - D)/P - ``constraint_feas`` (`np.array`): Constraint violation of average constraints. Non-positive if the solution satisfies the constraint. - ``constraint_rel_feas`` (`np.array`): Relative constraint violation of average constraints, i.e., slack divided by right-hand side. Non-positive if the solution satisfies the constraint. - ``constraint_nfeas`` (`np.array`): Proportion of feasible average constraints. - ``lambdas_max`` (`float`): Maximum value of dual variables (average constraints). - ``pointwise_feas`` (`np.array`): Constraint violation of pointwise constraints. Non-positive if the solution satisfies the constraint. - ``pointwise_nfeas`` (`np.array`): Proportion of feasible points for each pointwise constraint. - ``mus_max`` (`float`): Maximum value of dual variables (pointwise constraints). - ``primal_value_log`` (`np.array`): Primal value across iterations. - ``lagrangian_value_log`` (`np.array`): Lagrangian value across iterations. - ``lambdas_log`` (`np.array`): Dual variables (average constraints) across iterations. - ``feas_log`` (`np.array`): Constraint violation (average constraints) across iterations. - ``rel_feas_log`` (`np.array`): Relative constraint violation (average constraints) across iterations. - ``mus_log`` (`np.array`): Dual variables (pointwise constraints) across iterations. - ``nfeas_log`` (`np.array`): Proportion of feasible pointwise constraints across iterations. - ``HAS_CONSTRAINTS`` (`bool`): `True` if learning problem has constraints and `False` otherwise. - ``N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS`` (`int`): Number of average constraints of learning problem. - ``N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS`` (`int`): Number of pointwise constraints of learning problem. Except for ``iteration``, states ending in ``_log``, and flags (capitalized states), the value of the state in the previous iteration can be accessed by appending ``_prev`` to the state variable name. .. warning:: The values of ``primal_value``, ``lagrangian_value``, ``duality_gap``, ``rel_duality_gap``, ``constraint_feas``, ``constraint_rel_feas``, ``pointwise_feas``, ``pointwise_nfeas`` should be considered as estimates unless ``COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP`` is `True`. This is particularly an issue when the solver uses batches rather than operating over the full dataset (e.g., SGD). In these cases, the primal and/or dual variables are updated between between batches, so their average is not representative of the current performance. When ``COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP`` is `True`, the base solver does an extra pass through the dataset in order to re-evaluate these quantities for the current model. This may considerably increase the computation time of each epoch. """
[docs] def __init__(self, settings): """Primal-dual base solver constructor Parameters ---------- settings : `SolverSettings` Solver settings. """ self.primal_solver = None self.primal_step_size = None self.dual_solver = None self.dual_step_size = None self.state_dict = {} self.settings = settings
[docs] def primal_dual_update(self, problem): """Primal-dual update Parameters ---------- problem : `csl.ConstrainedLearningProblem` Constrained learning problem. Returns ------- primal_value_est : `float` Estimate of the primal value. primal_grad_norm_est : `float` Estimate of the primal gradient squared norm. constraint_slacks_est : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (1, )] or `None` Estimate of the value of average constraints or `None` if there was no dual update. pointwise_slacks_est : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (N, )] or `None` Estimate of the value of pointwise constraints or `None` if there was no dual update. dual_grad_norm_est : `float` or `None` Estimate of the dual gradient squared norm or `None` if there was no dual update. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def solve(self, problem, **kwargs): """Solve constrained learning problem Parameters ---------- problem : `csl.ConstrainedLearningProblem` Constrained learning problem to solve. **kwargs : `dict`, optional Temporary settings to override the global solver settings for current run. """ ### Local settings for current run self.settings.override(kwargs) ### Initializations self._initialize(problem) self._print_log(self.settings['logger'], header=True) ### START OF ITERATIONS ### for self.state_dict['iteration'] in range(self.state_dict['iteration'], self.state_dict['iteration'] + self.settings['iterations']): ### PRIMAL ### primal_value, primal_grad_norm, constraint_slacks, pointwise_slacks, dual_grad_norm = self.primal_dual_update(problem) # Update primal step size if self.primal_step_size is not None: self.primal_step_size.step() # Recompute objective on current primal solution if self.settings['COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP']: with torch.no_grad(): primal_value = problem.objective() # Log primal iteration self._log_primal(primal_value, primal_grad_norm) ### DUAL ### if self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS']: # Update dual step size if self.dual_step_size is not None: self.dual_step_size.step() # Recompute Lagrangian and slacks on current primal/dual variables solution if self.settings['COMPUTE_TRUE_DGAP']: with torch.no_grad(): L, _, constraint_slacks, pointwise_slacks = problem.lagrangian() dual_grad_norm = 0 for ii, slack in enumerate(constraint_slacks): if problem.lambdas[ii] > 0 or (problem.lambdas[ii] == 0 and slack > 0): dual_grad_norm += slack.item()**2 for ii, slack in enumerate(pointwise_slacks): inactive = torch.logical_or(problem.mus[ii] > 0, \ torch.logical_and(problem.mus[ii] == 0, slack > 0)) dual_grad_norm += slack[inactive].norm().item()**2 else: if constraint_slacks is None and pointwise_slacks is None: L = None else: L = primal_value if constraint_slacks is not None: L += np.sum([lambda_value*slack for lambda_value, slack in zip(problem.lambdas, constraint_slacks)]).item() if pointwise_slacks is not None: L += np.sum([, slack) for mu_value, slack in zip(problem.mus, pointwise_slacks)]).item() # Log dual iteration self._log_dual(L, dual_grad_norm, constraint_slacks, problem.rhs, problem.lambdas, pointwise_slacks, problem.pointwise_rhs, problem.mus) # Early stopping if self._check_stopping_criteria(): break if self.settings['STOP_USER_DEFINED'] and self.settings['STOP_USER_DEFINED'](problem, self.state_dict): self.settings['logger'].info('Stopping criterion: user-defined') break # Print log if self._every(self.settings['verbose']): self._print_log(self.settings['logger']) else: self._print_log(self.settings['logger'], level=logging.DEBUG)
[docs] def plot(self): """Trace plots of solver If the problem has no constraints, displays a trace plot of the primal value estimate (see `PrimalDualBase`). If the problem has constraints, displays trace plot of primal value, lagrangian value, relative duality gap, dual variables, and feasibility (constraint violation of average constraints and proportion of feasible pointwise constraints). Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` MATPLOTLIB figure handle. axes : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` MATPLOTLIB axes handle. """ n_iter = len(self.state_dict['primal_value_log']) iter_idx = np.arange(1, n_iter+1) ### Create figure if not self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS']: fig, axes = plot.subplots(1,1) ### Solver traces # Primal value plot axes.plot(iter_idx, self.state_dict['primal_value_log']) axes.grid() axes.autoscale() else: if (self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0) and (self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0): fig, axes = plot.subplots(2, 3, sharex = True) # plot.tight_layout() else: fig, axes = plot.subplots(2, 2, sharex = True) # plot.tight_layout() ### Solver traces P = self.state_dict['primal_value_log'] D = self.state_dict['lagrangian_value_log'] # Primal-dual values plot axes[0,0].set_title('Duality gap') axes[0,0].plot(iter_idx, P, label = 'Primal') axes[0,0].plot(iter_idx, D, label = 'Dual') axes[0,0].legend() # Relative duality gap plot axes[1,0].set_title('Relative duality gap') axes[1,0].plot(iter_idx, np.abs((P-D)/P)) axes[1,0].set_yscale('log') if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: # Average constraints slacks axes[0,1].set_title('Slacks (average)') ax1 = axes[0,1] for ii in range(self.state_dict['lambdas_log'].shape[1]): ax1.plot(iter_idx, self.state_dict['feas_log'][:,ii]) # Dual variables (average) axes[1,1].set_title('Dual variables (average)') axes[1,1].plot(iter_idx, self.state_dict['lambdas_log']) if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: ax1 = axes[0,2] ax2 = axes[1,2] else: ax1 = axes[0,1] ax2 = axes[1,1] # Pointwise constraints coverage ax1.set_title('Feasibility coverage (pointwise)') ax1.plot(iter_idx, self.state_dict['nfeas_log'], color='C1') ax2.set_title('Dual variables (pointwise)') for ii in range(self.state_dict['mus_log'].shape[1]): ax2.fill_between(iter_idx, self.state_dict['mus_log'][:,ii,1], self.state_dict['mus_log'][:,ii,2], alpha = 0.25, color = f'C{ii}') ax2.plot(iter_idx, self.state_dict['mus_log'][:,ii,0], color = f'C{ii}') for ax in axes.flat: ax.grid() ax.autoscale() # Show figure return fig, axes
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the constrained learning solver Allows a single solver object to be used to solve multiple constrained learning problems. """ self.primal_solver = None self.primal_step_size = None self.dual_solver = None self.dual_step_size = None self.state_dict = {}
########################################################################### #### PRIVATE FUNCTIONS #### ########################################################################### #### UTILS #### def _every(self, period): """Test for periodic tasks. Checks if ``iteration`` counter is a multiple of ``period``. Parameters ---------- period : `int` or `None` Period of test. Disabled if 0 or `None` (i.e., returns `False`). Returns ------- bool `True` if ``iteration`` is multiple of ``period`` or `False` otherwise. """ if period is None or period < 1: return False else: return self.state_dict['iteration'] % period == period-1 def _update_state(self, **kwargs): """Update state variable while keeping previous value. Parameters ---------- **kwargs ``name=value`` pairs to update in state dictionary """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in self.state_dict: self.state_dict[key+'_prev'] = self.state_dict[key] else: self.state_dict[key+'_prev'] = value if value is not None: self.state_dict[key] = value #### EARLY STOPPING #### def _check_stopping_criteria(self): """Check stopping criteria. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if solver should stop or `False` otherwise. See also -------- `PrimalDualBase` """ stopping = False # Divergence if self._has_diverged('primal_value') or self._has_diverged('lagrangian_value') or \ self._has_diverged('lambdas_max') or self._has_diverged('mus_max'): self.settings['logger'].error(f"Algorithm diverged on iteration {self.state_dict['iteration']}") self.settings['logger'].debug(f"Primal = {self.state_dict.get('primal_value', 0)}") self.settings['logger'].debug(f"Lagrangian = {self.state_dict.get('lagrangian_value', 0)}") self.settings['logger'].debug(f"Dual variable (average) = {self.state_dict.get('lambdas_max', 0)}") self.settings['logger'].debug(f"Dual variable (pointwise) = {self.state_dict.get('mus_max', 0)}") return True if not self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS']: # Primal absolute optimality if self._is_primal_optimal(): self.settings['logger'].info('Stopping criterion: primal absolute near-optimality') stopping = True else: # Primal absolute optimality and absolute feasibility if self._is_primal_optimal() and self._is_absolutely_feasible(): self.settings['logger'].info('Stopping criterion: primal absolute near-optimality and primal absolute feasibility') stopping = True # Primal-dual absolute optimality and absolute feasibility if self._is_primal_dual_absolutely_optimal() and self._is_absolutely_feasible(): self.settings['logger'].info('Stopping criterion: primal-dual absolute near-optimality and absolute feasibility') stopping = True # Primal-dual relative optimality and relative feasibility if self._is_primal_dual_relatively_optimal() and self._is_relatively_feasible(): self.settings['logger'].info('Stopping criterion: primal-dual relative near-optimality and relative feasibility') stopping = True # No primal or feasibility improvement if self.settings['STOP_PATIENCE']: if self._is_stalled(): self._update_state(no_update_iterations = self.state_dict['no_update_iterations'] - 1) if self.state_dict['no_update_iterations'] == 0: self.settings['logger'].info("Stopping criterion: no improvement for " f"{self.settings['STOP_PATIENCE']} iterations.") stopping = True else: self._update_state(no_update_iterations = self.settings['STOP_PATIENCE']) return stopping def _has_diverged(self, state): """Test if variable diverged. Test against ``STOP_DIVERGENCE`` and `np.nan`. Parameters ---------- state : `str` State name. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if diverged or `False` otherwise. """ return self.state_dict.get(state, 0) >= self.settings['STOP_DIVERGENCE'] or \ np.isnan(self.state_dict.get(state, 0)) def _is_primal_optimal(self): """Test if solution is primal optimal. Test if objective value and primal gradient squared norm are small (``STOP_PVAL`` and ``STOP_PGRAD``). Returns ------- `bool` `True` if primal optimal or `False` otherwise. """ if self.settings['STOP_PVAL'] or self.settings['STOP_PGRAD']: truth_value = True if self.settings['STOP_PVAL']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (self.state_dict['primal_value'] < self.settings['STOP_PVAL']) if self.settings['STOP_PGRAD']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (self.state_dict['primal_grad_norm'] < self.settings['STOP_PGRAD']) else: truth_value = False return truth_value def _is_primal_dual_absolutely_optimal(self): """Test if solution is primal-dual absolutely optimal. Test if duality gap is small (``STOP_ABS_DGAP``) or if gradient squared norms are small (``STOP_PGRAD`` and ``STOP_DGRAD``). Returns ------- `bool` `True` if primal-dual absolutely optimal or `False` otherwise. """ if self.settings['STOP_ABS_DGAP']: truth_value = (self.state_dict['duality_gap'] < self.settings['STOP_ABS_DGAP']) elif self.settings['STOP_PGRAD'] and self.settings['STOP_DGRAD']: truth_value = (self.state_dict['primal_grad_norm'] < self.settings['STOP_PGRAD']) and \ (self.state_dict['dual_grad_norm'] < self.settings['STOP_DGRAD']) else: truth_value = False return truth_value def _is_primal_dual_relatively_optimal(self): """Test if solution is primal-dual relatively optimal. Test if relative duality gap is small (``STOP_REL_DGAP``). Returns ------- `bool` `True` if primal-dual relatively optimal or `False` otherwise. """ if self.settings['STOP_REL_DGAP']: return self.state_dict['rel_duality_gap'] < self.settings['STOP_REL_DGAP'] def _is_absolutely_feasible(self): """Test if solution is absolutely feasible. Test if absolute constraint violation (average) is small and proportion of feasible constraints (pointwise) is large (``STOP_ABS_FEAS``, ``STOP_NFEAS``). Returns ------- `bool` `True` if absolutely feasible or `False` otherwise. """ if self.settings['STOP_ABS_FEAS'] or self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']: truth_value = True if self.settings['STOP_ABS_FEAS']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (np.max(self.state_dict.get('constraint_feas', 0)) < self.settings['STOP_ABS_FEAS']) if self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (np.max(self.state_dict.get('pointwise_nfeas', 1)) >= self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']) else: truth_value = False return truth_value def _is_relatively_feasible(self): """Test if solution is relatively feasible. Test if relative constraint violation (average) is small and proportion of feasible constraints (pointwise) is large (``STOP_REL_FEAS``, ``STOP_NFEAS``). Returns ------- `bool` `True` if relatively feasible or `False` otherwise. """ if self.settings['STOP_REL_FEAS'] or self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']: truth_value = True if self.settings['STOP_REL_FEAS']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (np.max(self.state_dict.get('constraint_rel_feas', 0)) < self.settings['STOP_REL_FEAS']) if self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']: truth_value = truth_value and \ (np.max(self.state_dict.get('pointwise_nfeas', 1)) >= self.settings['STOP_NFEAS']) else: truth_value = False return truth_value def _is_stalled(self): """Test if solver stalled. Test if primal value and constraint feasibility has not improved since last iteration. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if stalled or `False` otherwise. """ truth_value = self.state_dict['primal_value'] >= self.state_dict['primal_value_prev'] if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: truth_value = truth_value or \ np.all(np.clip(self.state_dict['constraint_feas'], 0, None) >= np.clip(self.state_dict['constraint_feas_prev'], 0, None)) if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: truth_value = truth_value or \ np.all(self.state_dict['pointwise_nfeas'] <= self.state_dict['pointwise_nfeas_prev']) return truth_value #### INITIALIZATION #### def _initialize(self, problem): """Initialize solver. - Initialize state dictionary - Initialize logs (see `_initialize_logs`) - Initialize primal solver and primal step size scheduler. Load previous state if it exists. - Initialize dual solver and dual step size scheduler. Load previous state if it exists. """ ### Initialize state dictionary if 'iteration' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['iteration'] = 0 else: self.state_dict['iteration'] += 1 self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] = len(problem.constraints) self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] = len(problem.pointwise) self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS'] = \ (self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0) or (self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0) if self.settings['STOP_PATIENCE'] is not None: self.state_dict['no_update_iterations'] = self.settings['STOP_PATIENCE'] ### Initialize logs self._initialize_logs() ### Initialize primal solver if self.primal_solver is None: self.primal_solver = self.settings['primal_solver'](problem.model.parameters) # Load previous settings, if they exist if 'primal_solver' in self.state_dict: self.primal_solver.load_state_dict(self.state_dict['primal_solver']) # Initialize primal step size scheduler if self.settings['lr_p_scheduler'] is not None: self.primal_step_size = self.settings['lr_p_scheduler'](self.primal_solver) ### Initialize dual solver if self.dual_solver is None and (problem.lambdas or problem.mus): self.dual_solver = self.settings['dual_solver'](problem.lambdas + problem.mus) # Load previous settings, if they exist if 'dual_solver' in self.state_dict: self.dual_solver.load_state_dict(self.state_dict['dual_solver']) # Initialize dual step size scheduler if self.settings['lr_d_scheduler'] is not None: self.dual_step_size = self.settings['lr_d_scheduler'](self.dual_solver) def _initialize_logs(self): """Initialize logs. Initializes logging variables if they are not defined in the state dictionary (``primal_value_log``, ``lagrangian_value_log``, ``feas_log``, ``rel_feas_log``, ``lambdas_log``, ``nfeas_log``, ``mus_log``) """ if 'primal_value_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['primal_value_log'] = np.zeros(0) if self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS'] and 'lagrangian_value_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['lagrangian_value_log'] = np.zeros(0) if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: if 'feas_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['feas_log'] = np.zeros([0, self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS']]) if 'rel_feas_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['rel_feas_log'] = np.zeros([0, self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS']]) if 'lambdas_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['lambdas_log'] = np.zeros([0, self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS']]) if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: if 'nfeas_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['nfeas_log'] = np.zeros([0, self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS']]) if 'mus_log' not in self.state_dict: self.state_dict['mus_log'] = np.zeros([0, self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'], 3]) #### LOGGING #### def _print_log(self, logger, level=logging.INFO, header=False): """Print log to logger. Print a formatted table to logger. - ``Iteration``: iteration number - ``P``: primal value - ``PGRAD``: primal gradient squared norm - ``DGAP``: duality gap (shown only if problem has constraints) - ``RDGAP``: relative duality gap (shown only if problem has constraints) - ``DGRAD``: dual gradient squared norm (shown only if problem has constraints) - ``FEAS_AVG``: maximum constraint violation of average constraints (shown only if problem has average constraints) - ``RFEAS_AVG``: maximum relative constraint violation of average constraints (shown only if problem has average constraints) - ``FEAS_PTW``: maximum constraint violation of pointwise constraints (shown only if problem has pointwise constraints) - ``NFEAS_PTW``: proportion of feasible pointwise constraints (shown only if problem has pointwise constraints) Parameters ---------- logger : `logging` Python logging object to handle log. level : `int`, optional Logging level (see `logging` package for details). The default is logging.INFO. header : `bool`, optional `True` to print log header or `False` to print log. The default is `False` (print log). """ if self.state_dict['HAS_CONSTRAINTS']: message = {'Iteration': f"{self.state_dict.get('iteration', 0) + 1}", 'P': f"{self.state_dict.get('primal_value', 0):.3g}", 'DGAP': f"{self.state_dict.get('duality_gap', 0):.3g}", 'RDGAP': f"{self.state_dict.get('rel_duality_gap', 0):.3g}", 'PGRAD': f"{self.state_dict.get('primal_grad_norm', 0):.3g}", 'DGRAD': f"{self.state_dict.get('dual_grad_norm', 0):.3g}"} if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: message['FEAS_AVG'] = f"{np.max(self.state_dict.get('constraint_feas', 0)):.3g}" message['RFEAS_AVG'] = f"{np.max(self.state_dict.get('constraint_rel_feas', 0)):.3g}" if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: message['FEAS_PTW'] = f"{np.max(self.state_dict.get('pointwise_feas', 0)):.3g}" message['NFEAS_PTW'] = f"{np.max(self.state_dict.get('pointwise_nfeas', 0)):.3g}" else: message = {'Iteration': f"{self.state_dict.get('iteration', 0) + 1}", 'P': f"{self.state_dict.get('primal_value', 0):.3g}", 'PGRAD': f"{self.state_dict.get('primal_grad_norm', 0):.3g}"} if header: logger.log(level, ('{:<9} | '*(len(message)-1) + '{:<9}').format(*message.keys())) else: logger.log(level, ('{:<9} | '*(len(message)-1) + '{:<9}').format(*message.values())) def _log_primal(self, primal_value, primal_grad_norm): """Log primal step. Parameters ---------- primal_value : `float` Saved to ``primal_value`` and ``primal_value_log``. primal_grad_norm : `float` Saved to ``primal_grad_norm``. """ ### Update state ### self.state_dict['primal_solver'] = self.primal_solver.state_dict() self._update_state(primal_value = primal_value, primal_grad_norm = primal_grad_norm) ### Update trace ### self.state_dict['primal_value_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['primal_value_log'], self.state_dict['primal_value']) def _log_dual(self, lagrangian_value, dual_grad_norm, constraint_slacks, rhs, lambdas, pointwise_slacks, pointwise_rhs, mus): """Log dual step. Parameters ---------- lagrangian_value : `float` Saved to ``lagrangian_value`` and ``lagrangian_value_log``. Used to compute ``duality_gap``. dual_grad_norm : `float` Saved to ``dual_grad_norm``. constraint_slacks : `list` [`float`] Saved to ``constraint_feas``. Used to compute ``constraint_rel_feas`` and ``constraint_nfeas``. rhs : `list` [`float`] Right-hand side of average constraints. Used to compute ``constraint_rel_feas``. lambdas : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (1, )] Saved to ``lambdas_log``. pointwise_slacks : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (N, )] Saved to ``pointwise_feas``. Used to compute ``pointwise_rel_feas`` and ``pointwise_nfeas``. pointwise_rhs : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (N, )] Right-hand side of pointwise constraints. Used to compute ``pointwise_rel_feas``. mus : `list` [`torch.tensor`, (N, )] Saved to ``mus_log``. """ ### Update state ### self.state_dict['dual_solver'] = self.dual_solver.state_dict() # Dual value self._update_state(lagrangian_value = lagrangian_value, dual_grad_norm = dual_grad_norm) self._update_state(duality_gap = np.abs(self.state_dict['primal_value'] - self.state_dict['lagrangian_value'])) # Duality gap if np.abs(self.state_dict['primal_value']) < 1e-6: self._update_state(rel_duality_gap = np.float("Inf")) else: self._update_state(rel_duality_gap = self.state_dict['duality_gap']/self.state_dict['primal_value']) # Average constraint feasibility if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0 and constraint_slacks is not None: self._update_state(constraint_feas = np.array([slacks.detach().to('cpu') for slacks in constraint_slacks], ndmin=2)) self._update_state(constraint_rel_feas = np.array([(slack.detach()/c).to('cpu') if (c != 0) else float("Inf") \ for slack, c in zip(constraint_slacks, rhs)], ndmin=2)) self._update_state(constraint_nfeas = np.mean(self.state_dict.get('constraint_feas') <= 0, axis=1)) # Pointwise constraint feasibility if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0 and pointwise_slacks is not None: self._update_state(pointwise_feas = np.concatenate([slacks.detach().to('cpu') for slacks in pointwise_slacks])) self._update_state(pointwise_rel_feas = np.concatenate([(slack.detach()/c).to('cpu') if torch.all(c != 0) else float("Inf") \ for slack, c in zip(pointwise_slacks, pointwise_rhs)])) self._update_state(pointwise_nfeas = np.array([np.mean(value.detach().to('cpu').numpy() <= 0) for value in pointwise_slacks], ndmin=2)) ### Update traces ### # Dual value self.state_dict['lagrangian_value_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['lagrangian_value_log'], self.state_dict['lagrangian_value']) # Average constraint feasibility if self.state_dict['N_AVG_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: self.state_dict['feas_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['feas_log'], self.state_dict.get('constraint_feas', 0), axis=0) self.state_dict['rel_feas_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['rel_feas_log'], self.state_dict.get('constraint_rel_feas', 0), axis=0) self.state_dict['lambdas_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['lambdas_log'], np.array(['cpu') for lambda_value in lambdas], ndmin = 2), axis=0) self._update_state(lambdas_max = np.max(self.state_dict['lambdas_log'][-1,:])) # Pointwise constraint feasibility if self.state_dict['N_PTW_CONSTRAINTS'] > 0: self.state_dict['nfeas_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['nfeas_log'], self.state_dict['pointwise_nfeas'], axis=0) self.state_dict['mus_log'] = np.append(self.state_dict['mus_log'], np.array([['cpu').numpy().mean(),'cpu').numpy().min(),'cpu').numpy().max()] \ for mu_value in mus], ndmin=3), axis=0) self._update_state(mus_max = np.max(self.state_dict['mus_log'][-1,:,2]))