Source code for csl.datasets.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Dataset transformations


import pandas as pd
import torch

[docs]class Drop: """Remove variables from data frame. Attributes ---------- var_name : `list` [`str`] Variable names. """ def __init__(self, var_names): self.var_names = var_names def __call__(self, sample): """Remove variables from data frame. Parameters ---------- sample : `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame without variables. """ return sample.drop(self.var_names, axis = 1)
[docs]class Recode: """Recode variable. Attributes ---------- var_name : `str` Variable name. dictionary : `dict` Dictionary describing recoding patterns, e.g., ``{'L': ['L1', 'L2']}`` recodes levels ``L1`` and ``L2`` as ``L`` """ def __init__(self, var_name, dictionary): self.var_name = var_name self.dictionary = dictionary def __call__(self, sample): """Recode variable. Parameters ---------- sample : `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame with recoded variable. """ transposed_dicitionary = {} for new_value, old_values in self.dictionary.items(): for value in old_values: transposed_dicitionary[value] = new_value if isinstance(sample[self.var_name].dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype): sample[self.var_name] = sample[self.var_name].replace(transposed_dicitionary).astype('category') else: sample[self.var_name] = sample[self.var_name].replace(transposed_dicitionary) return sample
[docs]class Dummify: """Dummy code variables. Attributes ---------- var_names : `list` [`str`] Variable names. """ def __init__(self, var_names): self.var_names = var_names def __call__(self, sample): """Dummy code variables. Parameters ---------- sample : `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame with encoded variables. """ for name in self.var_names: if name in sample.columns: if len(sample[name].cat.categories) > 2: sample = pd.get_dummies(sample, prefix=[name], columns=[name]) else: sample = pd.get_dummies(sample, prefix=[name], columns=[name], drop_first=True) return sample
[docs]class QuantileBinning: """Bin variable in quantiles. Attributes ---------- var_name : `str` Variable names. quantile : `int` Number of bins. """ def __init__(self, var_name, quantile): self.var_name = var_name self.quantile = quantile def __call__(self, sample): """Bin variable in quantiles. Parameters ---------- sample : `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame after binning. """ sample[self.var_name] = pd.qcut(sample[self.var_name], q = self.quantile) return sample
[docs]class Binning: """Bin variable. Attributes ---------- var_name : `str` Variable name. bins : `list` [`int`] Bin edges (each bin includes right edge and first bin includes both edges). """ def __init__(self, var_name, bins): self.var_name = var_name self.bins = bins def __call__(self, sample): """Bin variable. Parameters ---------- sample : `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` Data frame with modified variable. """ sample[self.var_name] = pd.cut(sample[self.var_name], bins = self.bins, include_lowest = True) return sample
[docs]class ToTensor: """Transform input to `torch.tensor` or cast `torch.tensor` to ``dtype`` and ``device``. Attributes ---------- **kwargs : `dict` Parameters to pass to tensor constructor. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, sample): """Transform input to `torch.tensor` or cast `torch.tensor` to ``dtype`` and ``device``. Parameters ---------- sample : `list` or `torch.tensor` Object to be cast as a `torch.tensor` or `torch.tensor`. Returns ------- `torch.tensor` """ if type(sample) is torch.Tensor: return = self.kwargs.get('dtype'), device = self.kwargs.get('device')) else: if type(sample) is pd.DataFrame: return torch.tensor(sample.to_numpy(dtype='float'), **self.kwargs).squeeze() else: # Unknown object, try your best return torch.tensor(sample, **self.kwargs).squeeze()
[docs]class RandomFlip: """Randomly flip image along an axis. Attributes ---------- p : `float`, optional Flipping probability. The default is 0.5. axis : `int`, optional Axis along which to flip. The default is 3 (horizontal flip). """ def __init__(self, p = 0.5, axis = 3): self.p = p self.axis = axis def __call__(self, img): """Randomly flip image along an axis. Parameters ---------- img : `torch.tensor` Image batch (N x H x W x C). Returns ------- `torch.tensor` """ img = img.clone() flipped = torch.rand(img.size(0)) < self.p img[flipped] = torch.flip(img[flipped], [3]) return img
[docs]class RandomCrop: """Pad and randomly crop image. Attributes ---------- size : `int` Size of region to crop (in pixels). padding : `int` Size of padding to add before cropping (in pixels). """ def __init__(self, size, padding): self.size = size self.padding = padding def __call__(self, img): """Pad and randomly crop image. Parameters ---------- img : `torch.tensor` Image batch (N x H x W x C). Returns ------- `torch.tensor` """ if self.padding is not None: padded = torch.zeros((img.size(0), img.size(1), img.size(2) + self.padding * 2, img.size(3) + self.padding * 2), dtype=torch.float) padded[:, :, self.padding:-self.padding, self.padding:-self.padding] = img else: padded = img w, h = padded.size(2), padded.size(3) th, tw = self.size, self.size if w == tw and h == th: i, j = 0, 0 else: i = torch.randint(0, h - th + 1, (img.size(0),)) j = torch.randint(0, w - tw + 1, (img.size(0),)) rows = torch.arange(th, dtype=torch.long) + i[:, None] columns = torch.arange(tw, dtype=torch.long) + j[:, None] padded = padded.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) padded = padded[:, torch.arange(img.size(0))[:, None, None], rows[:, torch.arange(th)[:, None]], columns[:, None]] return padded.permute(1, 0, 2, 3)